Thursday, May 24, 2012

Seaside Planter Ideas

We have lived near the beach in Sarasota for almost four years now, so it's very natural to collect cottage, shabby, seaside type items when out hunting for goodies. The gardening bug has bitten me and I cannot find enough items to stuff with dirt. If my husband leaves his shoes in the lanai very much longer,he might just discover basil growing out of them.
Today, I untucked some junk I've had for a while. A couple of buckets, two wall hanging pockets, some shells and a striped ceramic planter.
Now comes the question..."What shall I put in them?"
I need some drainage holes and maybe some coconut liners or peat moss for the wall hangers.
I would prefer to only plant edibles, so I will be researching  and to see if there are any herbs or rare veggies that will fit in with this limited criteria.
Most likely scenerio, I will break the rules and see what happens.
 As for the shells, perhaps I will make some garden markers out of them.
If anyone has any ideas on what I could plant or seashell projects for gardening,
feel free to comment or email me at Thanks friends!

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